Letter: Beauregard’s leadership, generosity has benefited North Smithfield


I am writing this letter in support of John Beauregard for Town Council. I have lived in this town for a long time and I have never seen a more qualified person sitting on the council. Thanks to John’s leadership he managed to get the town council, school committee, and the town administrator to all work together towards common goals. To say those branches had an adversarial relationship in the past is putting it kindly. The cooperation he fostered was unprecedented.

When there was no money to put school resource officers in our schools John found a way to make it happen and today we have two full-time school resource officers protecting our children. After touring the Gold Forest John understood what an asset it would be for our town to own this beautiful piece of property, many of us enjoyed this property during Covid. He found a way for the town to purchase that property without going to the taxpayers for a single penny. Unfortunately elections have consequences and this new council, with the exception of Mr. Zwolenski had no interest in purchasing the property, now it may become a solar farm. In 2018 John organized the biggest event this town has seen in years, the July fireworks at the high school.

He not only organized it he personally raised the funds to pay for it.
This was his gift to the town. Just one year later the event was attended by over 1,000 people, there was a DJ before the display entertaining the crowd, and there were food trucks, and he wasn’t even in office anymore. Is there anyone else in our town that would have done this? When Principal McGee wanted to do something special for the 2020 senior class at graduation he called John Beauregard and without hesitation he agreed to help.

Remember that beautiful fireworks display at the end of the ceremony to honor the seniors?

John did that and he raised money to help pay for it. He has done so much more for our town during his time on the council and after but I am limited in space to share it all. All you need to do is read the recent local news and you can see what he has been up to lately. He has selflessly continued to do so much for our town, that’s why we need him to remain involved. Who else will do these things? Who else has done these things?

Carol Robinson

North Smithfield

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