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Newberry announces run for re-election

Rep. Brian Newberry

NORTH SMITHFIELD –  Former House Minority Leader and state Rep. Brian Newberry, a Republican representing District 48 in North Smithfield and Burrillville, has announced his intention to run for re-election to his current seat.

Newberry said he intends to continue to put forward his agenda of, ‘lower taxes, less regulatory red tape and overall less government, a cause which he has advocated strongly during his time in the House.” 

“I maintain, as I always have, that we do not have a taxing problem in this state, but a spending problem,” said Newberry. “I have always opposed tax increases and supported attempts to reign in bloated government spending. At the same time, I have successfully advocated for our area’s proper share of state funding including in just recent days securing extra funding for North Smithfield town roads and helping blunt the drastic cuts to Burrillville school funding requested by the governor. In addition, I was the leading advocate at the state level, working in conjunction with our congressional delegation, to finally fix Route 146, a project begun in 2022 and slated for completion on time and on budget in 2025. Beyond all that I remain an advocate for getting my legislative colleagues to adopt a different perspective on many issues.” 

“During my tenure, including six years as leader of the opposition party from 2011-2017, I have fought to make structural changes to our fiscal policies and against both unnecessary regulations on small business that stifle economic growth as well as corporate welfare for well connected insiders,” Newberry said. “At the same time I have shown my ability to work across the aisle on bipartisan initiatives such as the 2021 Rhode Island Civics Education Act and the 2023 Campaign Finance Reform Act, on both of which I was author, lead sponsor and saw passed into law.” 

Newberry, who lives in North Smithfield with wife Beth and has three adult children, said, “I believe I have been a consistent advocate for the people of our rural corner of the state and I am hopeful that the people of North Smithfield and Burrillville have been happy with my efforts on their behalf and will see fit to return me to office this fall.”

All 2024 political candidates who declare the intent to run in Burrillville, North Smithfield and Glocester are invited to send information announcing their campaign, as well as a total of three press releases/position statements leading up to the November election for publication to
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